Scots is a language spoken and written everyday by people across Scotland. It has been acknowledged as a distinct minority language by the Scottish Government, the UK Government, and the Council of Europe under the European Charter For Minority Languages. The 2011 Census found that there was 1,541,693 people in Scotland that could speak Scots, equivalent to 30% of the population at the time.
Scots is a leid spoken an scrieved ilkaday by fowk aa ower Scotland. Scots is kent as a minority language by the Scottish Government, the UK Government, and the Cooncil o Europe (as pairt o the European Chairter For Minority Languages). The 2011 Census reportit that 1,541,693 fowk in Scotland cuid spik Scots—in ither wirds, aboot 30% o the hale Scottish population at the time.
Tha Albais na cànan a tha ga bruidhinn 's ga sgrìobhadh le daoine air feadh na h-Alba. Tha i aithnichte mar mhion-chànan fa leth le Riaghaltas na h-Alba, Riaghaltas na Rìoghachd Aonaichte agus le Comhairle na Roinn Eòrpa fo sgèith Clàr Eòrpach nam Mion-Chànan. A -rèir a' Chunntais-shluaigh ann an 2011, bha 1,541,693 daoine ann an Alba a bha comasach air Albais a bhruidhinn; sin 30% dhen àireamh-shluaigh aig an àm.
The Scots and English languages have similarities and a shared history, both being part of the
Germanic language family. Due to differences in influences on their development,
pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary, they are recognised as distinct languages.
While they are distinct, the similarities can make them mutually intelligible to some, leading
to confusion of Scots as slang. This is partly down to the way many learn Scots at the same
time as English when growing up. In different situations of everyday life, people either use
what's known as Broad Scots or Scottish Standard English separately, or mix some of both at
Wi baith bein pairt o the same Germanic leid faimly an haein a shared history as a result, Scots an English hae plinty in common; but the differences atween thaim in terms o their development, pronunciation, grammar, an wirds mean they're kent as distinct leids.
Files there's clear differences atween the twa tongues, their similarities can lead tae a degree o mutual intelligibility, garrin some fowk tae think on Scots as jist slang. Pairt o this is doon tae the wye maist spikkers learn Scots at the same time as English as bairns. As they ging throwe ilkaday life, fowk micht use whit's kent as Braid Scots in some situations an Scots Stannart English in ithers, or they micht spik wi the twa leids bein mixed thegither aa at aince.
Tha Albais agus Beurla coltach ri chèile le eachdraidh choitcheann agus na dhà dhiubh a' buntainn dha teaghlach nan cànanan Gearmailteach. Mar thoradh air diofar bhuaidhean air an leasachadh, am fuaimneachadh, an gràmar agus am briathrachas, tha iad aithnichte mar chànanan fa leth.
Ged a tha iad diofraichte, tha an cosalachdan a' fàgail gun gabh iad tuigsinn le chèile le cuid a dhaoine is iad sin am beachd gur e truaill-chàinnt a th' ann an Albais. Tha seo gu ìre mar thoradh air mar a dh'ionnsaicheas tòrr dhaoine Albais aig an aon àm ri Beurla is iad ag èirigh suas. Ann an diofar shuidheachaidhean dhen bheatha làitheil bidh daoine a' cleachdadh 'Beurla Ghallta' no 'Beurla Choitcheann na h-Alba' le chèile no sgaraichte aig an aon àm.
Scots is a language that is integrated within Scottish culture, is part of our identity, and is what sets us apart from the rest of the world. Many folk have attachments to the Scots language from their childhoods and homes without even realising it. Scots has always had speakers at every level of society, from all backgrounds and from all walks of life.
It also has a rich and proud literary history. While Robert Burns might be the most well-known writer of Scots, he's just one of many from over the years. Fast forward to the present, and Scots is still a vital presence in contemporary Scottish literature, with writers such as Irvine Welsh, James Kelman, Liz Lochhead, Chris McQueer and many more using Scots to much acclaim.
While the 2011 Census found over a million Scots speakers, it also found that older generations were more likely to speak Scots meaning the language is in danger of dying out. As a minority language, talking and writing in Scots is subdued in place of Scottish Standard English. Scots is often treated as though it is a second class language, or a poor form of English, and, as such, Scots speakers can be discriminated against in the workplace, education and other settings.
Scots is a leid thit is integratit intae Scots cultur, is pairt o wir identity, an is whit maks oorsels different fae the rest o the warld. A wheen o fowk hae an attatchment tae the leid fae bairnheid an their hames wi'oot even kennin it. Scots has ayewis hid spikkers at aa livvels o society, fae aa backgruns an fae aa waaks o life.
It haes a rich an prood literary history. While Rabbie Burns micht be the maist weel-kent Scots screiver, he's jist ane o mony fae ower the years. Some twa-hunner year efter Burns' death, the Scots leid is still gaan strong in the acclaimed wark o the likes o Irvine Welsh, Liz Lochhead, James Kelman, Chris McQueer, an mony mair.
Aatho the 2011 Census reportit that mair than hauf a million fowk spik Scots, auler fowk were mair likely to cry thaimsels Scots spikkers than younger fowk: this means the leid is in danger o deein oot. As a marginalised leid, spikkin an screivin in Scots haes tae compete wi Scottish Stannart English, wi Scots aftimes bein treatit like the puir relation: a saicont-cless leid or a broken English. This means Scots spikkers can be discriminatit agin in the warld o wirk, in eeducation, and in ither settins.
Tha Albais na cànan a tha fighte a-staigh le cultar na h-Alba, na pàirt dhen fhèin-aithne againn, na dh'fhàgas sinn sònraichte bho chàch. Tha tòrr dhaoine le dlùth-cheangal dha Albais nan òige is nan dachaigh gun fhiosta dhaibh. Tha daoine bho riamh, air gach ìre dhen mhòr-shluagh, air a bhith a’ bruidhinn Albais bhon a h-uile àite ‘s bhon a h-uile caitheamh-beatha.
Tha cuideachd eachdraidh litreachais bheairteach, uasal aig a’ chànan. Ged is e, ‘s dòcha, Raibeart Burns an sgrìobhadair Albais as ainmeile, chan e na aonar thar nam bliadhnaichean. Anns an latha againn fhìn tha Albais fhathast aig deas-meadhan litreachas co-aimsireil na h-Alba, le sgrìobhadairean mar Irvine Welsh, James Kelman, Liz Lochead, Chris McQueer agus tòrr eile a’ cur feum air Albais gu cliùiteach fhèin.
Ged a fhuair an Cunntas-sluaigh ann an 2011 gun robh còrr is millean neach-labhairt na h-Albais, dh'aithnich e cuideachd gur e seann daoine as motha a bha a' bruidhinn Albais: a' ciallachadh gu bheil cunnart ann gum faigh an cànan bàs. Mar mhion-chànan, tha làmh-an-uachdair aig Beurla Choitcheann na h-Alba air Albais a thaobh bruidhinn is sgrìobhaidh. Gabhar gu tric ri Albais mar chànan na dara ìre, no mar droch Bheurla; agus mar sin dheth, faodar lethsprèidh a dhèanamh air luchd-labhairt na h-Albais a thaobh obraichean, foghlaim agus diofar shuidheachaidhean eile.
Oor Vyce a civic association of people with a personal or professional interest in the Scots language, including speakers, entertainers, makars, writers and academics. We've come together from different backgrounds, outlooks and parts of Scotland to campaign for the statutory recognition of the Scots language by the Scottish Parliament.
Oor Vyce is a ceevic associe o fowk wi a personal or professional interest in the Scots tongue. The group is formed o Scots spikkers, entertainers, poets, makars, scrievers an academics. We've brocht oorsels thegither fae aa the airts an pairts of Scotland tae campaign fir the statutory recogneetion o the Scots leid by the Scots Pairlament.
'S e buidheann shìobhata a th' annainn de dhaoine le ùidh phearsanta no phroifeiseanta ann an Albais, nam measg luchd-labhairt, luchd-ealain, bàird, sgrìobhadairean agus eòlaichean. Tha sinn air tighinn cruinn còmhla bho dhiofar àiteachan is sheallaidhean is cheàrnaidhean de dh'Alba airson iomairt a dhèanamh gus aithne reachdail fhaighinn dha Albais ann an Pàrlamaid na h-Alba.
Members elect an Executive Committee for the campaign, the current committee members are:
Memmers elect a Executive Committee for the campaign, the present committee memmers are:
Memmers elect a Executive Committee for the campaign, the present committee memmers are:
Once the language of court and parliament, of farmtouns and the fishertowns, of the mines and the shipyards, of the playground and the home, Scots and all its dialects are in decline in usage without equal protection alongside English, Gaelic and British Sign Language.
We want to increase the provision for, funding for, and the presence of the Scots language in
Scotland’s culture and public life by:
With these actions together, we can ensure the Scots language's long history of usage continues into the 21st century and beyond.
Aince the leid o the coorts and Pairlament, o the fermtouns and fishertouns, o the mines an the shipyairds, o the playgrun an the hame, Scots an aa its dialects are in decline an will dee oot wioot equal protection alangside English, the Gàidhlig and the British Sign Language.
We're needin tae increase the provision and fundin fir Scots and pit forrit the presence o the Scots leid in Scotland's cultur and public life by:
Wi these actions thegither, we can mak siccar that Scots' lang history hauds forrit in the 21st century an ayont.
Uair dha raobh saoghal bha Albais na cànan cùirte agus pàrlamaid, cànan nam bailtean-fearainn is nam bailtean iasgaich, nam mèinnean agus nan gàradh-bhàtaichean, nan raointean-cluiche is na dachaigh; ge-tà, tha Albais agus a dual-cainntean uile air crìonadh a thaobh cleachdaidh gun dìon co-ionnan ri Beurla, Gàidhlig agus Cànan Breatannach nan Comharran.
Tha sinn airson leudachadh fhaicinn ann an lìbhrigeadh, maoineachadh is faicsinneachd na h-Albais ann an cultar is beatha phoblach na h-Alba le bhith:
Le seo uile còmhla, faodaidh sinn dearbhadh gum bi eachdraidh fhada na h-Albais a' cumail a' dol anns an 21mh linn.
Many countries in Europe and the world have minority languages. The Council of Europe has
recognised the cultural value of these minority languages, and the need for their protection,
through the European Charter of Minority Languages, which the United Kingdom ratified in 2001.
This charter is the only international treaty in the world to protect minority languages and
states obligations on countries to protect their minority languages that they have listed
under the Charter. For Scotland, this includes Scots and Gaelic.
Other campaigns across Europe call for the protection and promotion of their languages. This
includes Frisian, Breton, Corsican, Swabian and Kashubian and Welsh minority languages. We want to
ensure Scots is afforded the same.
Maist kintras in Europe an the warld hae minority leids. The Cooncil o Europe haes recognised the cultural value o these minority leids, an the need fir thaim to be protectit throwe the European Chairter o Minority Languages that the UK ratified in 2001. This chairter is the first o its kyne in the warld in that it sets whit kintras hae tae dee for tae protect their minority leids listit aneth the Chairter. Fir Scotland, this includes the Scots and the Gàidhlig.
Ither campaigns athort Europe caa fir the protection an promotion o their leid. Amang these is Frisian, Breton, Corsican, Swabian, Kashubian and Welsh—aa o them minority leid in their respective kintras. We're wantin Scots tae be giein the same.
Tha tòrr dhùthchannan anns an Roinn Eòrpa is air feadh an t-saoghail le mion-chànanan. Tha Comhairle na h-Eòrpa air luach cultarach nam mion-chànan seo aithneachadh is am feum a th' ann airson an dìon fo sgèith Clàr nam Mion-Chànan ris do chuir an RA ainm ann an 2001. 'S e an clàr seo an aon rèiteadh eadar-nàiseanta san t-saoghal a chuireas dìon air mion-chànanan is a chuireas an cèill dleastanasan dhùthchannan na mion-chànanan aca a tha ainmichte sa Chlàr a dhìon. Dha Alba, tha seo a' toirt a-staigh Albais agus Gàidhlig.
Tha iomairtean eile air feadh na Roinn Eòrpa a tha a' feuchainn rin cànanan fhèin a dhìon 's a bhrosnachadh. Nam measg sin na mion-chànanan Frisianais, Cànan na Breatainne Bige, Corsais, Suabainis is Caisuibianais. Tha sinn ag iarraidh an aon rud dha Albais.
Membership of the campaign is free and open to all individuals (aged 16 or over) and
organisations who have a personal or professional interest in the Scots language.
Members can:
Campaign memmership is free and open tae aabody (aged 16 or abuin), and organisations that hae a personal or professional interest in the Scots leid.
Memmers can:
Tha ballrachd na h-iomairt seo saor agus fosgailte dha duine sam bith (nas sine na 16 bliadhna dh'aois) is dha buidheann sam bith aig a bheil ùidh phearsanta no phroifeiseanta ann an Albais.
Faodaidh buill:
You can also join our mailing list to follow campaign developments and receive updates about opportunities to get involved.
Ye can also jyne oor mailin list tae follow campaign developments or get updates aboot opportunities tae get involved.
Ye can also jyne oor mailin list tae follow campaign developments or get updates aboot opportunities tae get involved.
If you have any questions, you can email us using the link below.
Gin ye’ve got ony questions, ye can speir at us ower email usin the link ablo.
Gin ye’ve got ony questions, ye can speir at us ower email usin the link ablo.